
Showing posts from June, 2022

Terrorist Separatist Group, Mastermind of Terror in Papua

The government’s move to declare the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) or the West Papua National Liberation Army Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) as a Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KST) is considered appropriate. The group has proven to be the mastermind behind terrorist acts in various areas of Papua. Because in addition to attacking the TNI- Polri, they also terrorized and      shot dead people so that there were many victims of this KST action. “Act of terror were carried out KST Papua is a threat and should be eliminated as a once and for all” Victims first community in the terror group that is Oktovianus Rayo, is a teacher and trader. Koraban shot two times by a group led Sabinus Waker on April 8th and approximately at 09:30 CET in Kampung Julukoma, District Beoga District Peak, Papua. Not long ago, K ST Papua back acting up, perform acts of terror burned four buildings of education. Noted, there are three schools were burned and the house of a teacher. ...